Most fantasy sports leagues last one year, maybe a few more than that at most. By some miracle, the Flex Fox Fantasy Federation was not one of those. As the league approached its fifth anniversary, the league’s commissioners came to the conclusion that a big reason for its success to that point was how serious it took itself. We decided it was best to lean in to that completely and start a blog with a weekly slate of content ranging from joke pieces to serious analysis and podcasts. Beyond our own entertainment, we knew a website with a professional appearance could serve as a strong tool for future recruitment.
The landing page.
Further reflection some years after the creation of our website led to the realization that what we had started to accomplish as a league was the development of a community. When the website was started, most participants had never met each other - the league was made up of a piecemeal collection of 5 or 6 separate friend groups. Despite this, most of these people had become close friends in the intervening time. Trash talk surrounding league content organically grew into friendly conversation about countless intersecting interests, and has since been supplemented by quarterly in-person league events that may, or may not, involve slapping.
Continued growth of this community remains the league’s mission as we continue to expand the website and its features over time.
Benoit Michon discussing his first-year Experience in the league. (Flex Fox Broadcasting / Soundcloud)